Conducted by The Right Honourable Lord Hutton
Terms of Reference:
"...urgently to conduct an investigation into the circumstances surrounding the death of Dr Kelly."
Update 2003-09-01: The official Hutton Inquiry website has stopped using frames, moving to a table based layout, removing the JavaScript as well. This is a great improvement, removing my main complaints; obviously there are still problems, but a big well done to them - I wonder if it was my version that prompted them? They've even added a print stylesheet! (though it suppresses printing of all images; I might want to print that picture of James Dingemans, you know... ;) )
This site is a more accessible version of the official Hutton Inquiry site; it has no need for cookies, uses much cleaner and more structured HTML, and has added online PDF to HTML conversion. Some pages are automatically kept up-to-date (Evidence, Abbreviations, Hearing Transcripts, Press), others let you know if they're out of date (Rulings, Times & Witnesses), the rest (Contacts, FAQ, Bios) are static, but I'll check them periodically. As always, feedback is welcome.
Other accessible sites: Odeon and